Nästan 80 procent av svenskarna saknar förtroende för Kina

Nästan 80 procent av svenskarna saknar förtroende för Kina

Den svenska allmänhetens negativa syn på Kina sticker ut i ett europeiskt perspektiv. Det visar den hittills mest omfattande undersökningen av européers attityder till Kina. UI deltar i projektet tillsammans med forskare från 12 andra länder.


European public opinion on China in the age of COVID-19

Differences and common ground across the continent

Overall, views of China in the surveyed countries are predominantly negative, with respondents in 10 out of 13 countries reporting significantly more negative than positive views. Populations in Western and Northern Europe tend to have the most negative views, Eastern Europe holds positive views, and Southern and Central Europe find themselves in between, while still being predominantly negative.

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German public opinion on China in the age of COVID-19

Ripe for European leadership?

Public opinion of China in Germany is primarily negative and worsening. Over 60% of Germans see China as either negative or very negative, while only about 19% have positive feelings (the remaining being neutral). Moreover, close to half of Germans indicate that their perception of China got worse over the last three years with only 13% seeing improvement.

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