Gunilla Reischl

Gunilla Reischl

Head of Programme and Senior Research Fellow

Gunilla Reischl is Head of Programme and Senior Research Fellow of the Global Politics and Security Programme at UI. Her research focuses on global governance issues and international institutions, especially in the areas of environment and energy.

Gunilla Reischl has also studied environmental change and security, trade and environmental issues and climate change negotiations. In her current research project she is studying international organizations in global energy politics.

Gunilla Reischl received her PhD from the Swedish University of Agricultural Science, Sweden, in 2009. Her dissertation addresses the EU's role in global environmental governance and international environmental negotiations. 

She has a Master's Degree in International Relations from School of Global Studies at University of Gothenburg. She has been a guest researcher at the Stockholm Resilience Center at Stockholm University, Sweden and associated researcher at Vrije University, the Netherlands. She has served as advisor to the Swedish delegation at UN negotiations on environment on a number of occasions. Gunilla Reischl teaches courses at Stockholm University, Södertörn University College and Uppsala University.

Areas of Expertise

Global governance, multilateral negotiations, global environmental politics, international climate- and energy politics, environmental security

Recent Publications

Buylova, A., Reischl, G., & Wolters, M. (2024). Diversifying climate policy advice: Research agenda on the expertise of national climate councilsEarth System Governance22, 100226.

Buylova, A., Nasiritousi, N., Duit, A., Reischl, G., & Lejon, P. (2024). Paper tiger or useful governance tool? Understanding long-term climate strategies as a climate governance instrument. Environmental Science & Policy159, 103811.

Nasiritousi N., Buylova, A., Fridahl, M., Reischl, G. (2024). Making the UNFCCC fit for purpose: A research agenda on vested interests and green. Global Policy, February 2024.

Buylova, A., Fridahl, M., Nasiritousi, N., Overland, I., & Reischl, G. (2022). Climate action in the making: business and civil society views on the world’s first carbon border levyClimate Action1(1), 17.

Falkner, R., Nasiritousi, N., & Reischl, G. (2022). Climate clubs: politically feasible and desirable?Climate Policy22(4), 480-487.

Vihma, A., Reischl, G., & Nonbo Andersen, A. (2021). A climate backlash: comparing populist parties’ climate policies in Denmark, Finland, and SwedenThe Journal of Environment & Development30(3), 219-239.

Buylova, A., Fridahl, M., Nasiritousi, N., & Reischl, G. (2021). Cancel (out) emissions? The envisaged role of carbon dioxide removal technologies in long-term national climate strategies. Frontiers in Climate, 63.

Eriksson, J., & Reischl, G. (2019). Worlds apart, worlds together: converging and diverging frames in climate and energy governanceGlobalizations16(1), 67-82.

Overland, I., & Reischl, G. (2018). A place in the Sun? IRENA’s position in the global energy governance landscapeInternational Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics18(3), 335-350.


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