European Integration in Crisis - Origins, Challenges, and Visions
The Swedish Institute of International Affairs (UI) held a discussion on European integration.
The European Union has in the last years faced a series of crises. In addition to the repercussions of the Eurozone crisis, there is an on-going humanitarian crisis at the borders of Europe. Many European citizens no longer believe that further European integration benefits their lives. What are the origins of these challenges? Is there a general legitimacy crisis haunting the EU? What are the visions and strategies for the future in the European integration project?
On August 20, 2015 the Swedish Institute of International Affairs (UI) organized a discussion on European integration.
Stefan Borg, Research Fellow in the Europe Programme at UI and author of the book European Integration & the Problem of the State (London and New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015).
John Erik Fossum, Professor at ARENA, University of Oslo.
Roderick Parkes, Research Fellow in the Europe Programme at UI.
Cecilia Wikström, Swedish MEP in the European Parliament, representing Folkpartiet.