Bosnia-Herzegovina - 20 Years of Peace, Part 2
The Dayton Peace Agreement ended the war. But what kind of peace did Bosnia-Herzegovina get? The Swedish Institute of International Affairs with partners took this opportunity to highlight the 20 years of Bosnian peace and its many challenges ahead.
The Dayton Peace Agreement. Success or failure?
How to (not) build peace. Lessons learnt?
Dealing with the legacy of war. Does time heal?
Arts and Culture. Dividing or uniting?
Vesna Ćužić, Ambassador of Bosnia and Herzegovina to Sweden; Senada Demirović, Creative Curator, ADA, Mostar; Jasminka Džumhur, Human Rights Ombudsman of Bosnia-Herzegovina; Misha Glenny, Writer and visiting professor at Columbia University; Anders Hedlund, Deputy Head of Unit for Western Balkans and Turkey, Sida, formerly Counsellor at the Swedish Embassy in Sarajevo; Dženana Karup Druško, Director of Transitional Justice, Accountability and Remembrance in Bosnia and Herzegovina; Roland Kostić, Director of Research (Holocaust and Genocide Studies), The Hugo Valentin Centre, Uppsala University; Bianca Muratagic, singer; Sadeta Murić, member of BiH National Association in Sweden; Svjetlana Nedimović, researcher, social justice activist, formerly Sarajevo plenum participant; Dan Smith, Head of SIPRI, Stockholm International Peace Research Institute; Srđan Šušnic, Cultural Study researcher, Banja Luka
Moderators: Johanna Mannergren Selimovic and Victoria Veres.
The conference was organised by the Swedish Institute of International Affairs in collaboration with Sida, Kvinna till Kvinna, Civil Rights Defenders, Bosnien-Hercegovinska Riksförbundet, APUNET and Cultural Heritage without Borders.