The EU and its Eastern Partners: A Struggle for Stability, Security and Prosperity. Part 2
On Thursday 26 November 2015 the Swedish Institute of International Affairs (UI) together with the Trans European Policy Studies Association (TEPSA) arranged a discussion about the European Union’s Eastern Partnership policy and the prospects for security, stability and prosperity in Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine.
Part 2: More Effective Support for the EU’s Eastern Partners: How?
Ukraine: Karina Shyrokykh, Ludwig-Maximilian University Munich
Georgia: Mariam Apriashvili, Science Po Paris & Tartu University
Moldova: Dorina Baltag, Maastricht University & Loughborough University
Belarus: Alena Vysotskaya Vieira, University of Coimbra and CICP University of Minho.
The seminars were moderated by Anke Schmidt-Felzmann, researcher at UI's Europe Programme.