NATO and Nuclear Threats - Effects on the Baltic Sea Region
The Swedish Institute of International Affairs held a discussion on NATO and responses to nuclear threats, with a focus on the Baltic Sea region.
The issue of NATO´s response to nuclear threats has risen on the agenda lately, as the Russian assertiveness in nuclear matters has increased, not least when it comes to tactical nuclear weapons.
How can the changing security environment be assessed? How is the situation viewed in different NATO countries? What options does NATO have to respond? What are the implications for the security situation in the Baltic Sea region?
Matthew Kroenig, Associate Professor in the Department of Government and School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University and Senior Fellow in the Brent Scowcroft Center on International Security at The Atlantic Council.
Tarja Cronberg, Distinguished Associate Fellow with the European Security Programme at the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, SIPRI.
Jacek Durkalec, Manager of the Non-Proliferation and Arms Control Project of the Polish Institute of International Affairs, PISM.
Fredrik Westerlund, Deputy Research Director, Division for Defence Analysis at the Swedish Defence Research Agency (FOI).
Moderator: Anna Wieslander, Deputy Director at UI.