25 Years After the Fall of the USSR: Historical Legacies and Perspectives for the Future in Central Asia

25 Years After the Fall of the USSR: Historical Legacies and Perspectives for the Future in Central Asia

The Swedish Institute of International Affairs (UI) and the Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs, organized a seminar focusing on Central Asia. What are the future prospects of states and people in this strategically important region? How have the countries in Central Asia fared since independence?

This is the last seminar of three, highlighting that it has been 25 years since the fall of the USSR and examining how developments in the former Soviet republics have taken different directions. 

Joanna Lillis
Chief Central Asia Correspondent, EurasiaNet 

Bruce Pannier
Central Asia Correspondent, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty

Johan Engvall
Researcher, UI’s Russia and Eurasia Programme

Martin Kragh
Head of UI’s Russia and Eurasia Programme


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