Power Shifts and Peace
Photo: Shutterstock/coloursinmylife

Power Shifts and Peace

On June 16, The Swedish Institute of International Affairs (UI) and the Department of Peace and Conflict Research at Uppsala University arranged a discussion on power shifts and peace, with a particular focus on East Asia.

Since the beginning of the 21 century we have witnessed a debate  on the so-called power shift from established powers, like the US, to ‘emerging’ or ‘rising’ powers, like China. Conventional wisdom derived from the study of historical power shifts claims that they tend to be primarily unpeaceful. In this seminar we will discuss what effects power shifts might have for peaceful international relations on a global and regional scale. 

Is or has power actually already shifted from the US to China? Has China’s power in East Asia increased, to the detriment of the US and Japan? How do global and regional power shifts affect the prospects for cooperation and conflict in East Asia and beyond?

Kevin P. Clements, Professor of Peace and Conflict Studies and Director of The National Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies, University of Otago.

Nicola Nymalm, Research Fellow at the Swedish Institute of International Affairs’ Asia Programme, and Global Politics and Security Programme.

Yongwook Ryu, Assistant Professor, Australian National University.

Wang Yizhou, Professor of International Politics and Chinese Foreign Affairs and Deputy Dean at the School of International Studies (SIS), Peking University.

Mikael Weissmann, Senior Lecturer in War Studies at the Swedish Defence University and Senior Research Fellow at the Swedish Institute of International Affairs.


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