Japan and the Changing Global Aid Architecture

Japan and the Changing Global Aid Architecture

Over the last decade, the global aid architecture has changed with more and diverse actors. While Japan’s aid has historically been criticised for pursuing self-interest or national interest, Japan has also been reforming its aid policy as an OECD/DAC member.

The 68th Stockholm Seminar on Japan. 

How has Japan’s aid policy been aligned towards the global norms? What is the implication of recent change in global aid architecture on Japan’s future aid policy?

Masumi Owa is an Assistant Professor at Nagoya College (Japan), specialised in International Relations and International Development. Prior to her PhD at University of Warwick, she worked for National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS) in Tokyo, Japanese Delegation to OECD (Development Assistant Committee) and Japanese Embassy in Uganda. Her research and publications are focused on Japan’s aid, OECD (DAC) and African development. 

Discussant: Dr. André Asplund, Postdoctoral Associate and Lecturer, Yale University

Moderator: Professor Marie Söderberg, Director, European Institute of Japanese Studies, Stockholm School of Economics

Please RSVP to nanhee.lee@hhs.se until November 14, 2016

The Japan seminar series is jointly organized by the European Institute of Japanese Studies at Stockholm School of Economics, the Asia Programme at the Swedish Institute of International Affairs, the Department of Asian, Middle Eastern and Turkish Studies at Stockholm University and the Swedish Defence University. It features monthly seminars on Japanese economy, politics and society. 



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