Strategic Autonomy and European Security
The Swedish Institute of International Affairs held a discussion on strategic autonomy and European security.
The idea that European countries should be able to conduct an independent security and defense policy has a long tradition. With the election of Donald Trump this idea has resurfaced with Angela Merkel famously arguing that Europeans cannot rely on others but instead must take ‘our fate’ into own hands. But what would be needed for Europeans to realize such ambitions? And how does the prospect of Brexit impact on European strategic autonomy?
This seminar is in cooperation with Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES) who recently published the book ‘Strategic Autonomy and the Defence of Europe’.
Uwe Optenhögel, Director, EU-Office Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES)
Gunilla Herolf, PhD, Member of the Royal Swedish Academy of War Sciences
Björn Fägersten, Director of the Europe Programme, the Swedish Institute of International Affairs (UI)
Jan Hallenberg, Senior Research Advisor, the Swedish Institute of International Affairs (UI)