UI.se English

Docs & Talks: Speed Sisters

Events Speed Sisters is the first female racing team in the Middle East. By weaving together life off and on the improvised race tracks we follow four women who drive straight into the male dominated Palestinian car racing scene. Come along for a challenging and fast ride in the occupied West Bank. This is part portrait of a disparate group of women with a passion for racing, independence and freedom, part deep and insightful portrait of life in, and realities of, Israeli occupied Palestine. After the screening Cherine Hussein, Associate Reseach Fellow at the Swedish Institute of International Affairs (UI), moderated a discussion with Lucia Ardovini, researcher at the Swedish Institute of International Affairs (UI), and Sahar Mousa, Palestinian poet and editor from Gaza and Stockholm City of Refuge author. This screening was part of a series of three films/conversations under the heading: Emerging images of resistance in the Arab world, organised by the Swedish Institute of International Affairs, as part of the Free Speech Festival at Kulturhuset Stadsteatern. More information about the Free Speech festival can be found here:http://kulturhusetstadsteatern.se/ForumDebatt/Evenemang/2018/Free-Speech-Festival/ ___________________________________________________ Speed Sisters är det första kvinnliga racingteamet i Mellanöstern. Genom att livet på och utanför de improviserade bilbanorna på Västbanken vävs samman får vi följa fyra kvinnor som kört rakt in i hjärtat av den mansdominerade palestinska rallyscenen. Följ med på denna utmanande och fartfyllda resa under ockupationen av Västbanken.Det här är dels ett porträtt av en spretig, explosiv grupp kvinnor med stor passion för racing, självständighet och frihet. Dels ett djupt och insiktsfullt porträtt av livet och realiteten i skuggan av Israels ockupation i Palestina. Efter visningen av filmen samtalade Lucia Ardovini, forskare på Utrikespolitiska Institutets Mellanösternprogram och Sahar Mousa, palestinsk poet och redaktör från Gaza, fristadsförfattare i Stockholm. Samtalsledare Cherine Hussein, associerad forskare vid Utrikespolitiska institutet (UI). Ingår i en serie av tre filmvisningar/samtal under namnet Emerging images of resistance in the Arab world, arrangerade av Utrikespolitiska Institutet under Free Speech Festival på Kulturhuset Stadsteatern.Mer info om Free Speech Festival hittar du här: http://kulturhusetstadsteatern.se/ForumDebatt/Evenemang/2018/Free-Speech-Festival/   Fri entré, ingen föranmälan krävs!

UI.se English

Tunisia, the spring and the democracy

Events The Arab spring started in Tunisia and there the historically strong union movement played a significant role in the outcome of the rebellion. In Tunisia the dictator was overthrown and free elections held, but unlike Egypt for instance, both secular and islamist parties have respected and upheld the rules of democratic politics. The Tunisian author and scholar Hela Yousfi has recently published a book "Trade Unions and Arab Revolutions: The Tunisian Case of UGTT" (Routledge 2018) that traces the role of the UGTT (the Tunisian General Labour Union) during Tunisia's 2011 revolution and its aftermath. She will discuss the Tunisian labour movement, its relevance for the Arab spring, and the struggle for social justice in Tunisia today with Lucia Ardovini, Research Fellow at the Swedish Institute of International Affairs (UI). This screening is part of a series of three films/conversations under the heading: Emerging images of resistance in the Arab world, organised by the Swedish Institute of International Affairs, as part of the Free Speech Festival at Kulturhuset Stadsteatern. More information about the Free Speech festival can be found here:http://kulturhusetstadsteatern.se/ForumDebatt/Evenemang/2018/Free-Speech-Festival/   ___________________________________________________ Den arabiska våren började i Tunisien och här kom den historiskt starka fackföreningsrörelsen att spela en stor roll för hur upproret utvecklade sig. Här störtades diktatorn och till skillnad från t.ex. Egypten så har man hållit fria val och såväl sekulära partier som islamister har respekterat och upprätthållit de demokratiska spelreglerna. Den tunisiska författaren och akademikern Hela Yousfi, som i år kommit med boken Trade Unions and Arab Revolutions: The Tunisian Case of UGTT samtalar med Lucia Ardovini, forskare vid Utrikespolitiska institutet (UI), om den tunisiska fackföreningsrörelsen, dess betydelse för den arabiska våren och kampen för social rättvisa i dagens Tunisien.Ingår i en serie av tre filmvisningar/samtal under namnet Emerging images of resistance in the Arab world, arrangerade av Utrikespolitiska Institutet under Free Speech Festival på Kulturhuset Stadsteatern.Mer info om Free Speech Festival hittar du här: http://kulturhusetstadsteatern.se/ForumDebatt/Evenemang/2018/Free-Speech-Festival/  

UI.se English

Docs & Talks: Amal

Events In this prize-winning documentary we follow the young and courageous Amal in her political and personal transformation during 6 years of rebellion in Egypt. Through her story this documentary reflects the experiences, dreams and traumas shared by a whole generation in their struggle for hope and justice. We are also confronted with the choices that arise when the struggle collides with the reality of power relations in Egypt. After the screening the director, Mohamed Siam, is interviewed by Cherine Hussein, Associate Research Fellow at the Swedish Institute of International Affairs (UI). This screening is part of a series of three films/conversations under the heading: Emerging images of resistance in the Arab world, organised by the Swedish Institute of International Affairs, as part of the Free Speech Festival at Kulturhuset Stadsteatern. More information about the Free Speech festival can be found here:http://kulturhusetstadsteatern.se/ForumDebatt/Evenemang/2018/Free-Speech-Festival/ Please note that the conversation will be in English. Free admission. No RSVP is necessary. __________________________________________ I en prisad dokumentär får vi följa unga, starka och orädda Amal genom hennes politiska och personliga transformation under sex år av uppror i Egypten. Genom att berätta hennes historia reflekterar den här dokumentären upplevelser, drömmar och trauman som en hel generations kamp för hopp och social rättvisa delar. Den ställer oss också inför de val som uppstår när den kampen kolliderar med maktens verklighet i Egypten. Efter filmen intervjuas filmens regissör Mohamed Siam av Cherine Hussein, associerad forskare vid Utrikespolitiska institutet (UI).Ingår i en serie av tre filmvisningar/samtal under namnet Emerging images of resistance in the Arab world, arrangerade av Utrikespolitiska Institutet under Free Speech Festival på Kulturhuset Stadsteatern.Mer info om Free Speech Festival hittar du här: http://kulturhusetstadsteatern.se/ForumDebatt/Evenemang/2018/Free-Speech-Festival/ Observera att samtalet kommer att vara på engelska. Fri entré, ingen föranmälan krävs!

UI.se English

An African Union for the Future

Events   Panel 1: 09:30-11.00 In November, African Union (AU) heads of state will convene for the fourth time in a year, with the aim of accelerating the Union’s reform process, a key priority of the current AU chair, Rwandan President Paul Kagame. While the March 2018 signing of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) agreement in Kigali is considered a major success, the AU still faces challenges around the structure and financing of the institution. Among the 55 member states there are differing views on the substance of reforms as well as the form of the process. How is the reform process going? What direction is the union choosing? Is it equipped and ready to take on the challenges set out in its Agenda 2063? The Swedish Institute of International Affairs (UI), The Nordic Africa Institute and the Embassy of the Republic of Rwanda, held a seminar with two members of the Reform Advisory Committee where the state of the AU was discussed, as well as its roadmap and implementation to reform the organization. Speakers: Cristina Duarte, Former Minister for Finance and Planning of Cabo Verde, and member of the AU Reforms Advisory Committee Johannes Oljelund, Director-General for International development cooperation, Sweden’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs Iina Soiri, Director of The Nordic Africa Institute The seminar was moderated by Mats Karlsson, former Director of UI. Opening remarks by Christine Nkulikiyinka, Ambassador of the Republic of Rwanda to Sweden. Coffee break Panel 2: 11:30-12:30After a coffee break the seminar reconvened, and Donald Kaberuka gave a keynote speech. Donald Kaberuka, Special Envoy of the AU on sustainable Financing for the Union and funding for Peace in Africa, and member of the AU Reform Advisory Committee. Former President of the African Development Bank Group and Chairman of the Board of Directors                                                                                         

UI.se English

Global Governance of Internet and Social Media

Events The Brexit referendum and the US presidential election in 2016 have demonstrated the growing role of social media platforms in shaping political debate and popular opinion, possibly affecting the outcomes of these democratic elections. This poses difficult questions for open democracies – should social media platforms be regulated in order to prevent the dissemination of false information aimed to produce political effects? If so, what shape and form could such regulations take? Or should self-regulation and neutrality be guiding principles in the interest of safe-guarding an open internet?  Speakers: Renee diResta, Data for Democracy and founding member of Haven. Renee has a background researching Russian disinformation and the anti-vaccine movement as well as fighting disinformation campaigns and computerized propaganda on social networks Marcin de Kaminski, Program Director for Human Rights Defenders at Risk, Civil Rights Defenders. Marcin has a background in internet research, with a specific focus on online communities, political movements and extreme subcultures Christian Christensen, Professor of Journalism in the Department of Media Studies at Stockholm University. His research has examined the intersections of journalism, politics and technology. He is also a regular contributor to The Guardian and other international news outlets Moderator: Ludvig Norman, Research Fellow with UI’s Europe programme The seminar was arranged together with the American embassy in Stockholm.

UI.se English

Germany and the Nordics in a new security landscape

Events The Nordic countries frequent the rankings of stability, wealth and quality of life, but their geographical region is finding itself the subject of new geopolitical tensions. Russia’s annexation of Crimea and undermining of Ukraine’s sovereignty have repercussions for the security policy of all Nordic countries, from the Baltic to the High North. While the US has sent mixed signals about the liberal order and European security, and the UK is preparing its withdrawal from the EU, Germany is reinforcing its commitment to European integration and a rules-based order. In these turbulent times, the Nordics and Germany have a joint interest in preserving stability in our region as well as protecting the liberal order that forms the basis of the success of the open countries of the North. Considering this, how could cooperation between the Nordics and Germany be developed? What scope for cooperation can be found in Europe’s new security landscape? And how can the rules based liberal and democratic order be protected in times when globalization and interdependence is challenged by great power rivalry and surging nationalism? Keynote speaker: Audun Halvorsen, State Secretary, Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Special guests: Constanze Stelzenmüller, Robert Bosch Senior Fellow, Center on the United States and Europe, Brookings Institution, Washington D.C. Matthias Jopp, Director, Institut für Europäische Politik, Berlin Comments: H.E. Hans-Jürgen Heimsoeth, Ambassador of Germany to Sweden René Nyberg, former Ambassador, Finland Krister Bringéus, Ambassador, Sweden Public discussion Moderator: Mats Karlsson, Director of the Swedish Institute of International Affairs (UI) This seminar is arranged jointly with the Norwegian Embassy. Welcome!  


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