Connecting Europe and Asia-Pacific
The Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) is a forum for dialogue and cooperation between Asia and Europe on the big challenges of a fast-changing world. ASEM leaders have decided to designate a day in March as the “ASEM Day”. In order to highlight this, the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, the Swedish Institute of International Affairs and the European Commission representation in Sweden invite you to a seminar to discuss how Europe can promote its connectivity and partnership with Asia-Pacific.
Cecilia Ruthström-Ruin, Head of Department for Asia and the Pacific, Ministry for Foreign Affairs
14:00-14:05 Welcoming remarks by Cecilia Ruthström-Ruin
14:05-14:20 Teppo Tauriainen, Director General for Trade, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
14:20-15:20 Panel discussion:
Perspectives from Asia and the Pacific
Ambassador Shigeyuki Hiroki, Embassy of Japan
Ambassador Nur Ashikin Binti Mohd Taib, Embassy of Malaysia
Ambassador Jonathan Charles William Kenna, Embassy of Australia
Perspectives from Europe
Mia Åsenius, Head of Cabinet to Commissioner Cecilia Malmström
Henrik Chetan Aspengren, Research Fellow, UI
Fredrik Uddenfeldt, Head of Government Affairs, Asia Pacific Region, The Swedish Trade and Investment Council
15.20-15.30 Summary and wrap-up