New Report: Cooperation in the Post-Pandemic World
The Covid-19 crisis is affecting all sectors and all levels - from the individual citizen to our global and international institutions. The long-term impacts and consequences are also transboundary. This report captures some of the main trends shaping future cooperation. The report, and the high-level roundtable discussion it elaborates on, is the result of a joint project that UI has conducted with MSB – the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency.
This report stems from the ‘Reshaping European and International cooperation in the post-pandemic world’ conference held on June 11, 2020. After a foreword by MSB Director-General Dan Eliasson, the first part of the report summarizes the contents of the conference, including the central insights of its high-level speakers. The discussion was organized around three central questions. What trends promise to shape future cooperation? How well-suited are existing institutions for future tasks? How can national authorities ensure value added from European and international cooperation?
The second part draws inspiration from the event and adds extra analysis. It considers the opportunities likely to emerge at the European and international levels and outlines how national authorities can facilitate and reap the benefits of those cooperation opportunities. This ‘reflection note’ offers a pointed set of recommendations regarding how to improve cooperation for more effective crisis management and resilience in the years ahead.
Both parts of the report aim to provide a resource for crisis and resilience management officials moving forward, with an emphasis on cross-border cooperation. While national authorities bear the primary responsibility for first response during crises, regional and international cooperation is vital for improved planning, preparedness and future response support. This report draws early lessons on the successes and failures of international cooperation on Covid-19 – and outlines key measures for improvement.
For more on UI’s research and analysis related to Covid-19, see our webpage here. For more on the MSB funded project on ‘Creeping Crises’ at UI, visit the website here.