New Report: Covid-19 and Europe-China Relations
The European Think-tank Network on China (ETNC) has launched a special report on Covid-19 and Europe-China Relations. The report identifies key developments in bilateral relations between China and a wide range of European countries, and highlights debates that these relations inspire across Europe within the context of the evolving health crisis.
While China’s increasingly proactive public diplomacy is widespread, there is a diversity in method that ranges from low key (see Latvia or Romania) to charm offensive (see Poland, Portugal, Italy or Spain) to provocative or aggressive (see Sweden, Germany or France).
Björn Jerdén, head of the UI Asia Programme, contributes with the chapter on Sweden. Jerdén points out that the Covid-19 epidemic struck Wuhan after four years of a steadily worsening diplomatic relationship between Sweden and China. So far, the coronavirus emergency seems to have created no impetus for mending ties.
About ETNC: The European Think-tank Network on China (ETNC) is a gathering of China experts from a selection of European policy research institutes. It is devoted to the study of Chinese foreign policy and EU-China relations and facilitates regular exchanges among participating researchers.