The Swedish Institute of International Affairs (UI) appoints new director
The Board of The Swedish Institute of International Affairs (UI) is pleased to announce the appointment of Jakob Hallgren as new Director.
“Jakob Hallgren has wide knowledge on foreign policy, experience from working in research-based institutions and solid experience of both leadership and development of leadership strategies. In an uneasy world where we are increasingly affected by ”fake news” and other lobbying from abroad, it is important that Sweden maintains an institute of international affairs that can deliver research-based knowledge and policy analyses, and has a solid base for its role in providing information to the general public. UI is in the process of expanding and renewing operations. We believe that Jakob Hallgren is the right person to lead and inspire our employees through the challenges ahead,” says Marie Söderberg, chair of UI’s board.
Jakob Hallgren today serves as Sweden’s Ambassador for disarmament and nonproliferation and has also been Ambassador of Sweden to South Korea. Hallgren has previously served as deputy Director at the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, SIPRI.
“I look very much forward to taking on the directorship of UI. It is an honour to contribute to develop and maintain this unique Swedish institute together with the board and staff at this exciting time of expansion” says Jakob Hallgren.
Jakob Hallgren will start his new assignment at UI on 14 February 2022.