Borders and migration
A central tenet of globalization is the diminishing importance of borders. People move between countries, and ideas and information spread at lightning speed without regard to legal and administrative borders.
At the same time, borders are becoming increasingly important in the globalized world. Recently, we are seeing a new type of border demarcation, often characterized by identity politics and nationalism. As a result of increased refugee flows, border controls are being tightened, and the importance of borders is thus increasing again in some parts of the world.
On this page, we have collected material related to border policies and international migration.
Borders and International Crises - Webinar with Johanna Pettersson, Matthew Longo, Hugo von Essen and Sofie Berglund:
The webinar is also available as a podcast:
International Trends in Border Politics - A webinar with Johanna Pettersson and Matthew Longo:
Climate and Migration - Elin Jakobsson lectures on the link between climate and migration for high school students:
Gränser - Johanna Pettersson föreläser om gränser och suveränitet för gymnasieelever: