The Geopolitics of TTIP

The Swedish Institute of International Affairs (UI) arranged a discussion on the geopolitical aspects of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP).

The TTIP will create the world's largest free-trade area. The goal of the agreement is to remove barriers to trade and investment, and to reduce unnecessary friction between different regulations between the United States and Europe. More importantly, it will reposition the European and American economies for the 21st century global economy.

For Sweden this agreement will be of great importance. The USA is one of Sweden’s largest economic partners, and the agreement will thereby have great impact on the Swedish economy. 

Much analysis has been conducted regarding TTIP's potential economic impact, but there has been relatively little exploration of its geostrategic implications, potentially equally profound. Increasing tensions in Europe, following the Russian annexation of Crimea, further enhances its importance. Moreover, geopolitical considerations, not just economic calculus, are factors likely to strengthen or weaken support for TTIP among key constituencies both inside and outside the transatlantic community.

What geopolitical aspects need to be considered when negotiating the TTIP? How will it change relations between the United States and Europe? How will others view this agreement? What does TTIP mean for the multilateral rules-based order?

A presentation will be held by Daniel Hamilton, Austrian Marshall Plan Foundation Professor and Director of the Center for Transatlantic Relations at the Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS), Johns Hopkins University, award-winning author on the transatlantic economy.

Björn Fägersten, Research Fellow at UI's Europe Research Programme, will comment on the presentation.

Björn Jerdén, Research Associate at UI’s East Asia Programme, will comment on the presentation.

Anna Wieslander, Deputy Director at UI moderated the seminar.


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