Intelligent Foreign Policy: Panel 1.
On December 11 2015, the Swedish Institute of International Affairs (UI) together with the European Union Institute for Security Studies (EUISS), arranged a discussion on information exchange, early warning and sense-making for smarter EU action on the foreign policy arena.
In the 21st century, making strategic foreign policy choices requires marshalling a wide array of information sources, filtering what is relevant, and agreeing on a shared assessment. The EU offers opportunities and challenges to making more intelligent foreign policy: opportunities, since the EU enjoys access to a wide array of public and private information, and challenges, since approaching these tasks collectively raises a number of thorny problems.
How can current challenges be addressed? How can the EU improve information exchange, early warning and sense-making? Would that lead to more effective policy decisions?
Panel 1: Intelligence - Between Producers and Consumers
Christoph Meyer, King's College London
Georgij Alafuzoff, Intelligence EU Military Staff, European External Action Service (EEAS)
Regina Karp, UI and Old Dominion University, USA
Björn Fägersten, UI, Europe Programme
Chair: Mark Rhinard, UI and Stockholm University
The meeting was organised in the context of the EU-wide expert outreach and consultation process for the preparation of the EU Global Strategy on foreign and security policy, coordinated by the EUISS and the Strategic Planning Division of the EEAS www.europa.eu/globalstrategy