Sommartider på UI

UI:s kundtjänst har sommartider från 8 juli till och med 11 augusti. Under denna period är telefonväxeln stängd och svar från kan dröja. Ingen leverans av fysiska produkter sker, och leveranstiden för fakturaköp är längre. Digitala produkter och tjänster betalade med kort levereras som vanligt. UI:s presstjänst har sommarstängt från 13 juli till och med 4 augusti. Läs mer här.

Ukraine's Economy - Returning to Growth?
Photo: Shutterstock/Kryuchka Yaroslav

Ukraine's Economy - Returning to Growth?

On April 14, UI’s Russia and Eurasia Programme arranged a seminar on deregulation, anti-corruption and privatisation with Ukraine’s Minister of Economy and Trade, Aivaras Abromavicius.

Triggered by war with Russia, a deep recession in Ukraine’s economy began to subside in 2015. At the start of 2016 Ukraine's free-trade deal with the EU, its largest trading partner, came into force. Can Ukraine’s economy return to growth despite tensions in government over the pace of constitutional reforms and corruption allegations? What is the impact of the “Panama Papers”?

Aivaras Abromavicius
Prior to his appointment as Minister of Economy and Trade, he was a partner of the Swedish East Capital, focusing his work on the Eastern European markets. He started his career at the largest Baltic bank Hansabank, where he soon was appointed Head of Equities. Over the next three years he headed the Trading Department at Brunswick Emerging Markets.

Mr. Abromavicius has lived in Ukraine for over six years and personally witnessed the changes within the society. The latter motivated him to contribute to reforming Ukraine and join the government.

The seminar was organized in cooperation with the Swedish-Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce.


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