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Perspectives on Human Rights in Palestine

Perspectives on Human Rights in Palestine

On May 17, 2016, the Swedish Institute of International Affairs (UI), the Right Livelihood Award Foundation (RLA), International Legal Assistance Consortium (ILAC) and Kvinna till Kvinna, on the occasion of the visit of the Right Livelihood Award Laureate, Raji Sourani, arranged a discussion on the human rights situation in Palestine.

While stakeholders are often busy searching for political solutions to the long-lasted Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the human rights situation, especially in the Palestinian territories, have deteriorated. Several initiatives, peace accords and proposals for long-term solutions have failed, aggravating the situation for civilians even further.

What is the current status of the human rights situation in Palestine? What are the main short and long term challenges? Are there any prospects for a permanent solution?

Raji Sourani is a human rights lawyer in the Gaza Strip and was awarded the Right Livelihood Award in 2013. He is also founder and director of the Gaza-based Palestinian Centre for Human Rights and member of ILAC's Board of Directors.

Bitte Hammargren, Editor of UI’s Utrikesmagasinet and Middle East Analyst
Pål Wrange, Professor of Public International Law.

The seminar was moderated by Cherine Hussein, research fellow at UI’s Middle East and North Africa Programme.


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