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Trump and a Rising China

Trump and a Rising China

The Swedish Institute of International Affairs, in cooperation with Stockholm China Forum, organized a seminar on Trump and a rising China.

In his election campaign, Donald Trump made China a prime target, blaming Beijing for US job losses and threatening to impose high tariff on Chinese goods. As president-elect, moreover, Trump went on to question US commitments to the so-called One China policy. 

Chinese president Xi Jinping’s visit to the United States in April, however, ended on quite a different note. Trade issues were handed over to a joint working group while Chinese cooperation on North Korea was declared a matter of decisive importance for the future of the relationship.  

What does the Sino-US relationship look like today, and where is it heading? How serious are the risks? What is required in order to successfully manage the relationship?

Bonnie Glaser, Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS)
François GodementEuropean Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR)
Björn JerdénThe Swedish Institute of International Affairs (UI)
Orville Schell, Asia Society
Yinhong Shi, Renmin University of China
Moderator: Börje Ljunggren, Senior Associate Fellow, The Swedish Institute of International Affairs


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