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Corruption in Post-Socialist States

Corruption in Post-Socialist States

How entrenched is corruption in the Eurasian region? This seminar explored its multifaceted implications, in cooperation with Transparency International Sweden.

Corruption in the Eurasian region manifests itself in many ways. Politicians using state power to accumulate private wealth and the misuse of public funds effectively erodes the public legitimacy of most governments in the region. Similarly, foreign aid spent in Afghanistan to reconstruct and rebuild its economy often ends up in the pockets of warlords, further fuelling the military conflict in the country. Corruption thus manifests itself in many ways, not least in the financial and security realms. What can be done to tackle this deeply rooted corruption and what are its main implications for the region?

Sarah Chayes, Senior Fellow, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

Alexander Cooley, Director of Columbia University's Harriman Institute for the Study of Russia, Eurasia and Eastern Europe

Martin Kragh
, Head of the Russia and Eurasia Programme at the Swedish Institute of International Affairs 

This seminar is part of the series ‘Corruption and the World Order’ that will explore and deepen the understanding of the various implications of corruption for security and the world order, in cooperation with Transparency International Sweden (TI). Three more seminars will be arranged during spring 2018.The seminar series is financed by Riksbankens Jubilumsfond (RJ).



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