Globalization Beyond the West
An exclusive event for UI’s members, where we discussed the reemerging importance of Asia in world affairs, and the historical analogies to this trend.
Europe and the wider West has been at the centre of globalization since the 1700s. It has secured its central position through technological edge, ideas, and might. European Empires gave way for a west-centered global order. However, before the rise of the modern West, the situation was different. The world's power houses were in Asia. Estimates say that 60% of the world's economic output was still located in Asia in 1820. Then the Industrial revolution and European imperialism shifted the balance.
Today Asia is rising again. This is contingent on relations that existed before and in parallel to Western dominance. How do the historical precedents influence this new rise of Asia? Is Asia about to take the West's place at the heart of global commercial, military and ideational systems - or are we witnessing the emergence of a multipolar world, with competing or cooperating nodes? What could be the ramifications of a less west-centered global order?
A discussion with world leading thinker on globalization:
Faisal Devji, Professor of Indian History and Director of the Asian Studies Centre at the University of Oxford
The discussion was moderated by Henrik Chetan Aspengren, Head of UI’s Asia Programme, and Rouzbeh Parsi, Head of UI’s Middle East and North Africa Programme.
Saskia Sassen, Robert S. Lynd Professor of Sociology and former Chair, Committee on Global Thought at Columbia University, had accepted our invitation as speaker but could at the last moment unfortunately not participate.