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Russian State Memory Wars: a Conversation with Sergei Lebedev

Russian State Memory Wars: a Conversation with Sergei Lebedev

The Stockholm Centre for Eastern European Studies (SCEEUS) at the Swedish Institute of International Affairs (UI) invited to a webinar with Sergei Lebedev and Stefan Ingvarsson.

In recent years, political conflicts between states have increasingly spilled over into conflicts over history and memory. Under Russia’s president Vladimir Putin, history has become a tool of mobilization and legitimacy, but also a source of friction with the country’s neighbors. Furthermore, restrictions have been put on historians who want to investigate sensitive aspects of Russia’s past.


Sergei Lebedev, poet, essayist and journalist. 

Stefan Ingvarsson, analyst SCEEUS. 

The conversation was be moderated by Martin Kragh, Deputy Director of SCEEUS. 


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