Sommartider på UI

UI:s kundtjänst har sommartider från 8 juli till och med 11 augusti. Under denna period är telefonväxeln stängd och svar från kan dröja. Ingen leverans av fysiska produkter sker, och leveranstiden för fakturaköp är längre. Digitala produkter och tjänster betalade med kort levereras som vanligt. UI:s presstjänst har sommarstängt från 13 juli till och med 4 augusti. Läs mer här.

Myanmar in 2022: One Year of Resistance to Military Rule

Myanmar in 2022: One Year of Resistance to Military Rule

One year after the military coup in Myanmar, we took stock of the current situation in the country. What is the political, humanitarian, and democratic state of affairs, and what are the possible ways forward?

In February last year, Myanmar’s armed forces took power in a coup d’état. Security forces arrested members of the elected government, while many activists were forced into hiding or exile. Following the coup, human rights violations have become an everyday reality, and violence has increased around the country.

As a response to the coup a resistance movement unprecedented in its intensity and the breadth of its appeal has emerged. Resistance to the coup is seen in country-wide uprisings, the formation of a parallel government, and in foreign donor’s support to a constitution process to prepare for future democratic transition.

To highlight one year of resistance to military rule, in this seminar prominent scholars, politicians, and practitioners addressed the situation for Myanmar’s spring revolution and the work conducted by the National Unity Government (NUG) and affiliated actors.

Nyi Nyi Kyaw, Fellow at the Kulturwissenschaftliches Institut Essen (KWI)/Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities

Cecilia Bylesjö, Senior Specialist on Dialogue and Mediation at the Folke Bernadotte Academy

Lian Sakhong, Minister of Federal Union Affairs in the National Unity Government of Myanmar

The discussion was moderated by Kristina Simion, Research Fellow at UI's Asia Programme.

This webinar was jointly arranged with the Folke Bernadotte Academy. 



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