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The Current Situation in Ukraine and EU Accession
Shutterstock / esfera

The Current Situation in Ukraine and EU Accession

Russia’s war on Ukraine has severely affected Ukraine's economy. Welcome to a discussion with Sergii Marchenko, Ukraine's Minister of Finance. The discussion is organized by Stockholm Institute of Transition Economics (SITE) and the Stockholm Centre for Eastern European Studies (SCEEUS).

The economic team of the Ukrainian government has still managed to keep both the government and economy functioning with the support of both domestic institutions and the international community, including the EU, G7 countries and IFIs. Most recently, the IMF and the Ukrainian government agreed on a macroeconomic program that will provide $15.6 billion in financial support from the Fund. Looking forward, much more funding and support will be needed for the reconstruction of Ukraine on the way to full membership in the European Union.

A few of the issues to be discussed include: the priorities of the Ukrainian government in the short run and going forward; how should the support be organized and coordinated; where should the funding come from; and what are the key reforms on the way to full EU membership.


Keynote speaker

Sergii Marchenko, Minister of Finance of Ukraine

Minister Marchenko graduated from the Academy of State Fiscal Tax Service of Ukraine in 2002. During his studies Minister Marchenko received Presidential Scholarship and achieved Master's Degree in Public Finance Management. Later on, he conducted research at the Scientific and Research Financial Institute of the Ministry of Finance and thus, in 2009, received PhD in Economics.

Minister Marchenko was appointed Minister of Finance on the 30th of March 2020.


Panel speakers

Additional speakers will be added to the panel discussion. The event will be chaired by Torbjörn Becker, Director of SITE.



The event will take place in room A124 (Aula) at the Stockholm School of Economics, Sveavägen 65, 113 83 Stockholm. The event will not be streamed online. Please register via the Trippus platform:

Please contact if you have any questions regarding the event.

This event is organised by the Stockholm Institute of Transition Economics (SITE) and the Stockholm Centre for Eastern European Studies (SCEEUS).


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