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America's Role in the World: Implications of the 2024 Elections
Susan Walsh/AP/TT

America's Role in the World: Implications of the 2024 Elections

It is no secret that we live in precarious times. The role of the United States, the world's most powerful country, is as central as ever. In November, America elects its president - or rather re-elects, as its choice looks certain to be between its current and its previous incumbent.

What does the election mean for America's future global direction? Does it involve a defining choice between global engagement under a Democrat president or isolation under a Republican one? Or are circumstances pushing the US in a certain general foreign policy direction, whoever wins the keys to the White House? What might the outcome of the presidential election mean for the most violent and dangerous of today's conflicts, in Ukraine and the Middle East? How firm is the US commitment to its European and Asian allies?

In collaboration with the Department of Economic History and International Relations at Stockholm University, and the Stockholm Center on Global Governance, also at Stockholm University, the Swedish Institute of International Affairs is holding a panel conversation on these crucial topics. 

Main speaker

Stephen G. Brooks, professor of government, Dartmouth College, US


Lisa Dellmuth, professor of international relations and co-director for the SCGG, Stockholm University and Åsa Malmström Rognes, head of the Asia Programme at the Swedish Institute of International Affairs

Nicholas Aylott, head of the Europe Programme at the Swedish Institute of International Affairs, will chair the conversation.


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