Must Europe defend itself?
Questions about Europe's security have become intensely topical. The Europe Programme at the Swedish Institute of International Affairs hosts a panel that discusses both American and European perspectives.
As Sweden joins NATO, questions about the future of the Atlantic alliance have never loomed larger. European governments and soldiers have taken to warning of how Russia's war on Ukraine could spread all too soon. At the same time, a likely candidate for US president has suggested that, if he were to be re-elected, military support for NATO's European member states would no longer be unconditional. This is only the clearest of numerous signals that America's readiness to guarantee European security is waning. As The Economist puts it, "Russia is becoming more dangerous, America is less reliable and Europe remains unprepared. The problem is simply put, but the scale of its solution is hard to comprehend."
Might Europe soon have to defend itself against attack? And, if so, will it have to do so itself - alone? To what extent is America really shifting its focus elsewhere - or even retrenching generally? Is Europe politically ready to shoulder the burden of responsibility for its own defence?
To explore these urgent questions, the Europe Programme at the Swedish Institute of International Affairs is holding an evening webinar at which distinguished presenters - including two from the US Army War College in Pennsylvania - will offer their own analyses and take questions from participants.
Daniel Krebs, associate professor of history, Department of National Security and Strategy, US Army War College
Michael Neiberg, professor of history and chair of War Studies, US Army War College
Ulla Lovcalic, analyst, Europe Programme, Swedish Institute of International Affairs
The panel will be moderated by Nicholas Aylott, head of the Europe Programme at the Swedish Institute of International Affairs.