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Lucia Ardovini

Lucia Ardovini

Associerad Forskare

Dr. Lucia Ardovini is an Associate Research Fellow at the Middle East and North Africa Programme, Swedish Institute of International Affairs (UI). Her research project focuses on current trajectories of Islamist movements across the MENA region, with a special focus on the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood. In particular, she is looking at the contemporary outcomes of the self-restructuring processes that the organization is undergoing, specifically in regards to the state-religion complex and Islamism’s role within the politics of resistance.

Her research interests include Political Islam, regime-society relations, interaction of formal and informal structures, politics of resistance and social transformations with unclear ends.

Lucia received her Ph.D in International Relations from Lancaster University in 2017. Her thesis was funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), and explored the Muslim Brotherhood’s political evolution and year-long rule in Egypt. She is also a research fellow at the Richardson Institute (UK) and part of the Carnegie-funded SEPAD: Sectarianism, Proxies & De-sectarianisation Project. 

Areas of Expertise: Political Islam, state-society relations, sovereignty and its challenges


  • [Book] Sectarianism in the Contemporary Middle East (Abingdon: Taylor & Francis, September 2017) Co-Author: Dr. Simon Mabon
  • “The Politicization of Sectarianism in Egypt: ‘Creating an Enemy’ the State VS. the Ikhwan”, Global Discourse, Vol. 6, No. 4., (January 2017), pp. 579-600
  • Profiling the Muslim Brotherhood: Radicalization and Extremism (September 2015), in Radicalization Research, at: 
  • [Edited Collection] “People, Sects and States: Interrogating Sectarianism in the Contemporary Middle East”, Global Discourse, Vol. 6, No. 4., (January 2017), pp. 551-732 Co-Author: Dr. Simon Mabon


  • [Book Chapter] “The Muslim Brotherhood and Uncertainty: resistance, civil society, and politics”, (1 chapter of a 6 chapters book) in Minority Religions and Uncertainty (London: Routledge, December 2018)
  • [Book Chapter] “States of Exception and Emergency in the Post Arab Uprisings Middle East: the case of Egypt” in Giorgio Agamben’s State of Exception in the MENA Region (Routledge, 2018)
  • “State-led security Responses and Violent Extremism: A comparative analysis of Libya, Egypt, and Tunisia”, in Global Discourse (October 2018)


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